Online Patent and Trademark Resources

Patent Databases

Australia-esp@cenet  |  Germany-Japan  |  Korea-Russia  |  Spain-United States  

Australia: Patents Databases

AU Published Patent Data Searching (APPS) contains abstracts in GIF format (with PDF printable link) of all published Australian patent applications filed since January 1, 1975.  There are 13 searchable fields; some have links to full AU-A/B/C full patent specifications in PDF.  Pre-1975 Australian applications as far back as 1920 have some bibliographic data, usually only application number and IPC.  

Full images of published Australian patent applications (AU-A) from June 3, 1999 and for accepted patent specifications (AU-B and C) from December 17, 1998 can be accessed by application or patent number in the Patent Specifications Database.  

New Patent Solution (NPS) Database contains bibliographic information about innovation patent applications filed from May 24, 2001; all new standard complete, provisional and innovation patent applications filed after July 5, 2002; and PCT applications designating Australia  from August 2002. .  

Public access to status of Australian patent documents open to public inspection may be searched by IPC in the Patent Indexing System (PatIndex) 

Language: English

Canadian Patents Database 

Contains patent documents from 1920 to the present time. 

“The electronically available patent information consists of patent
document images, bibliographic data and patent document text.

Searches are performed against the bibliographic and text data fields
only, and a “hit list” of matching patents is returned. Images are not
searchable but can be viewed for any particular patent that has been
returned in a hit list.

The text of the abstracts and claims is not available for patents that
were granted prior to August 15, 1978. These patents can only be
searched by their patent number, titles, owner or inventor names, or

Language: English and/or French




Access to the bibliographic data of patents published by any member state of the European Patent Organisation, WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), and the European Patent Office. The Worldwide search option allows you to search for information in patent applications published in over 50 countries (and regions) worldwide–for coverage click here. For a detailed table of Abstracts Coverage (in English), click here. For a detailed table of Facsimile and Classification Coverage, click here

The European Patent Office search option “allows you to search in the most recent 24 months of patent applications published by the European Patent Office. The full documents can be displayed in facsimile mode for any of the documents, which are retrieved by this search option.” 

The World Intellectual Property Org. (PCT) Search Option “allows you to search in the most recent 24 months of patent applications published by WIPO (WO publications). The full documents can be displayed in facsimile mode for any of the documents, which are retrieved by this search option.” 

ClassPat offers access to the European Classification scheme by either browsing of the classification schedules or searching by keyword.

Germany: DPMApatentblatt

The official German patent bulletin containing weekly updated patent information. Information includes the bibliographic data, abstracts, history data and, in most cases, the full document. Search and “hitlist” are free of charge; for the cost of full-text consult the price list. Includes a very helpful FAQ page.

Language: English

Hungary: Hungarian Patent Office

The Hungarian Industrial Property Database (PIPACS), “enables searching the full collection of the Hungarian patents, utility models, trademarks and designs in a single user interface. 

The database contains information regarding patents, utility models, trademarks, designs protected in Hungary, applications pertaining to these protection forms, bibliographic data and drawings thereof.  Upon entering the website, two windows will open.” The window (called PIPACS) under the “Query” window gives coverage information as well as detailed help on using the database.

Language:  Hungarian, English

Ireland: Patents Office Register & Database Search

Patent Register: Search for published patents only by application number, patent number, or European application or patent number. Bibliographic information is displayed (no abstract), along with maintenance fee status.

Patent Database: Search for published patents only using a number of different bibliographic fields. In the result list, clicking on the patent number takes you to the Patent Register notice, clicking on the icon (not available for all patents) gives you bibliographic information including an abstract.

Supplementary Protection Certificate (SPC) Database: “A supplementary protection certificate (SPC) extends the duration of the exclusive patent right, solely in respect of the product covered by the authorisation to place the corresponding medicinal or plant protection product on
the market, for up to a maximum of 5 years following the expiry of the term of the basic patent. This extension of protection is intended to make up for the time that has elapsed between the date of the patent application and the issuing of the authorisation to market the product.”

Language:  English

Japan: Patent and Utility Model Gazette Database

Contains a variety of patent and utility model gazettes, retrievable by their number. For database coverage and help with the Japanese year, click here.

Language: Japanese, English

Korea: Korean Patent Abstracts Database

Covers Korea national application only. Search by a number of different bibliographic fields. Results include an abstract and also a drawing for some of the applications.

Coverage: Registered Applications, Jan. 1979-Dec. 2001; Unexamined Applications, Jan. 2000-Sept. 2002.

Language: Korean, English (The above hyperlink to English version)


Provides bibliographic data for Patents and Models of eighteen Latin American countries, as well as their images from 1991. The countrys include: Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

Language: Spanish

New Zealand: IPONZ Databases

The IP databases include a patents search and a design search. The search is quite sophisticated with a number of search fields. Status as well as any objection or hearing information is noted. Results in the patents search include either an abstract or abstract and full specification (as a PDF). 

Language: English  

Romania: RoPatentSearch

Search for patents by number, class, title, inventor, solicitant, and titular (holder). The “title” search field is available in English and Romanian, all others in Romanian only.

Language: Romanian, English

Russia: Rospatent

Full-text (since 1994) patent database, RUPAT, requires fee. For access and payment details, click here.  RUABEN is free abstract database of Russian Applications and Patents from  1994 to date. Bibliographic information and an abstract in English as well as the main drawing are included.  Sign in with user name “guest” and password “guest” then select “Abstracts russian patents 1994-2003 (engl.).”

Language: Russian, English


OEPMPAT contains complete Spanish utility models published from 1997 onwards. In addition it has the images published in the BOPI from 1986. A retrospective project of Utility model publications back to 1987 is underway. 

Language: Spanish

United Kingdom: UK Patent Office

The Patents Status Query database “makes it possible to check the patent’s priority and filing dates, verify the applicant or owner, identify the inventor, establish whether the patent is in force and contact the owner or their representative. In addition, it provides a link to any related Supplementary Protection Certificate (SPC).” 

The Patent and Design Journal (pdf files, archived to 1998) includes a listing of applications for patents, a subject, number, and name index of applications published, and a subject, number, and name index of patents granted. 

Language: English

United States: Patent Full-Text and Full-Page Image Databases

The Issued Patents (PatFT) database includes patent images from 1790-current. Searches on a number of bibliographic fields are available for patents back to 1976. Pre-1976 patents are retrievable only by US Classification or Patent Number. 

The Patent Applications (AppFT) database includes all applications published since March 15, 2001. Images as well as full bibliographic data are available. 

A viewer is required for viewing patent images. Click here for instructions on downloading.

Language: English

© Patent and Trademark Depository Library Association
Last modified 5/18/04, eacSend content related comments to Karen Hertel or Marjory Cameron